Saturday, 10 December 2011

Joule Thief without Ferrite Torroid

 What is ferrite Torriod :-

A magnetic core is a piece of magnetic material with a high permeability used to confine and guide magnetic fields in electrical, electromechanical and magnetic devices such as electromagnets, transformers, electric motors, inductors and magnetic assemblies. It is made of ferromagnetic metal such as iron, or ferrimagnetic compounds such as ferrites. The high permeability, relative to the surrounding air, causes the magnetic field lines to be concentrated in the core material. The magnetic field is often created by a coil of wire around the core that carries a current. The presence of the core can increase the magnetic field of a coil by a factor of several thousand over what it would be without the core.
The use of a magnetic core can enormously concentrate the strength and increase the effect of magnetic fields produced by electric currents and permanent magnets. The properties of a device will depend crucially on the following factors:
In many applications it is undesirable for the core to retain magnetization when the applied field is removed. This property, called hysteresis can cause energy losses in applications such as transformers. Therefore 'soft' magnetic materials with low hysteresis, such as silicon steel, rather than the 'hard' magnetic materials used for permanent magnets, are usually used in cores.

Now i am going To show how to make a joule thief without Ferrite Core .
I got inspired from a image i got from google images and the website was
I want to say clearly that this was not my project and I am just briefing about it .
For This Project you need :-
1.  2, Really long normal wires [any colour]
2.  A Iron tool [instead of a ferrite , if it is rusted also it is Ok]
3.  1, 2700pf Capacitor
4.  1, 2N2222 NPN Transistor
5.  1, LED 3v [ any colour is ok i use white ]
6.  1, 1K ohm Resistor
7.  1, 1.5v battery

How to Do
                        First follow this image and do it as the image says

Now if you any doubt on coiling the wire on the iron bar Then follow as i Say
       First start coiling the both the wires together placing then close together wrap as tight as u can and then solder any two terminal wires and leave the other terminal wires[ see the image] .

After doing this connect it to a battery and then see the LED light up

I could actually light up 4LED!!!

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